Tea box packaging - convenient and handy!

Tea box packaging - convenient and handy!

Aug 13, 2020Jheel Parekh

If you are a tea lover or someone who aspires to be a tea connoisseur, then you must know the importance that packaging holds for teas. If you own tea boxes then you will see that packaging for tea leaves is different from packaging for infusion tea bags. Isn’t it? Now lets move on to how and when does one create a mood for tea? We all see a lot of creatives and real-time images of people wrapped in sweaters, holding a warm tea cup in their hands with perhaps a book beside them or a window open to a lawn area - creating the perfect mood shot for some ‘chai time’. Now lets take one step behind to know what sort of tea are they drinking. Is it infused or herbal or tea leaves or essence or something else. And to know this better, lets move to the tea box from where the story actually begins.

Tea Bag and Tea Box Packaging

At Schmancy, we have been involved with packaging for various tea boxes and flasks (some of them are listed below) and it includes packaging for tea leaves, tea bags, on-the-go tea, hot and cold tea and such like. While it has been an excellent learning for us to design beverage boxes, it has also been too exciting to see how colour and icons play such a major role when it comes to customer understanding, especially in their buying stage. Continue reading below to see how we have been the customised packaging solutions partner for some of these amazing tea box owners and sellers.

Ausum Tea Packaging

One of the leading brands in India for tea, Ausum Tea involves packaging which is different for every type of tea that they own. For instance, their collection of herbal tea/wellness tea comes with a fine green colour packaging which signifies herbal essence and goodness of health. It also screams Dawn to Dusk, hence depicting the fact that this tea can be consumed at any time of the day. This kind of packaging and content only makes it easy for the customer to know the two main give-aways which is - it is herbal, healthy and can be consumed at no specific hours. Their other tea collections including their Super Teas which comprise nostress tea and more come with a different kind of colour and design on their packaging. They have tea leaves - associated with organic tea boxes.


Andme - PCOS Tea Boxes

Simple yet functional, this kind of packaging is always suited for storing both tea leaves and infusion tea bags. Easy to open from top, easy to close and store, these PCOS Tea boxes come with graphic that is very easy to read, positioning the main ingredients the right way. The opening makes it easy to extract the individual bags inside and the nemonic on the box depicts that these are designed for improved health and weight-loss.    

Chai Point - Corrugated Tea Flasks

If you are opting for ready-to-drink tea, you can look around for options and online companies that sell tea on a delivery basis. One such tea is that from Chai Point. The packaging comes with an easy to open and close nozzle with an aluminium pouch inside, to retain the heat of the beverage. The packaging allows for easy transport, easy usage and of course easy to dispose as they are all one-time use boxes only.

Herbal Tea Box

Choosing the right kind of packaging for both hot and cold beverages includes using the right kind of material, both on the outside and the inside. It is imperative for one to use food-safe materials and only then will you be able to do justice to the tea content inside. Bright colours, neat graphic, bold and readable font along with perfect material is sure to give you that perfect ‘chai time’ moment.

Read our blog on how to make your desserts look more appealing through the right kind of packaging here.

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