Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

Jul 10, 2019Jheel Parekh


Plastic free July is an annual global challenge wherein many eco-conscious citizens of the world abandon the use of plastic for the entire month of July. We can help you take your commitment for this month and this is how.

Day-to-day basics:

If you are heading to buy groceries or bread and milk even, refuse to carry them back home in plastic! Say no at the counter. You can purchase recyclable bags which come with strings or without strings and are of course paper-light for you to fold them and carry them around in your purse! Once used, fold them back into your purse and head straight out for your next day shopping.

At Work:

Ever thought of what happens to all those overflowing bins which are abused by disposable plastic? The food you order from online delivery partners more often than not come in plastic boxes which are never reused. Ever thought of carrying your own plate from home? Better still - ask your delivery partners to not serve food in plastic. Bagasse cutlery and tableware could be your next best option. Order online in bulk and store them in your office drawers. Every time there is an event or a celebration - guess what option can come out of your drawer!

At School:

Educate. Inform. Apply. Tell your child about the disadvantages of using plastic. Show them how to be a part of creating solutions to plastic pollution. Tell your child how they can help be a part of larger picture - to have cleaner schools, homes, streets, cities and oceans. Encourage your child to talk about it at canteen - wherein kids can use other alternatives to single-use plastic.

So are you willing to do your bit for this month? All of the above is possible and we can reach our goal of making this earth a better place - only if YOU are willing to do your bit. At Schmancy, we are doing our bit. We are selling cutlery made from bagasse. We do manufacture bags which are reusable and recyclable and food-safe at the same time! Support us. Stand by us. Let us together join this commitment to make this month  #plasticfreejuly

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